Here is the play by play -
Friday Night -
Mike, Julie, and I went to New Prague High School for the 2009 Missota Festival Grand Finale Concert. It was a day off school for kids in PL, but Charlie and other band and choir members still had to be at the high school at 7am to ride the bus down to New Prague.
They spent the day practicing in different groups with kids from Holy Angels, Farmington, Hutchinson, New Prague, Northfield, Red Wing, and Shakopee. There were 2 different choir groups and 2 bands.
The mission of the festival "is to provide a collaborative educational setting that promotes an opportunity for students from the Missota Conference schools to share and perform repertoire under the direction of accomplished guest directors".
Charlie was in the Missota Massed Band, which had about 300 kids in it. This band was directed by Timothy Diem who is the Director of the U of M Marching Band. They played 3 songs, and they sounded great.
Here is a picture of the Massed Band with the Massed Choir in the background -
And here is Charlie and his trumpet -
It was a great concert...but the bleachers were packed! Like sardines, we were.
Ah, the things we do for our children!
Saturday Morning -
Woke up to an overcast day, and I thought - GREAT!
"Charlie - GET UP! Lets go take your Eagle Scout pictures while its cloudy outside!"
Eventually, Charlie got ready to go and we drove the 6 blocks to Lakefront Park.
And when we got there...the sun was out! It is so much easier to take pictures when it is overcast, but we got some good ones. Here is a sampling -
Saturday afternoon -
Charlie went over to his friends house to work on Spanish homework.
They had to prepare a recipe that was written in Spanish on video tape, speaking only in Spanish.
Follow this link on YouTube to see Charlie, Kowae and Jake! It is pretty funny...
Saturday night -
I went out with a couple of my teacher friends, Dorothy and Angie.
We started the evening out at Bumper's, a sports bar in Burnsville.
My uncle Roger usually hangs out at Bumper's, but we didn't see him there on Saturday.
Here we are enjoying a Colorado Bulldog -

Colorado Bulldog recipe
1 shot vodka
1 shot Kahlua - coffee liqueur
1 splash Coke
It is tasty!
Then we went over to the Burnsville High School for their presentation of
The Secret Garden
Dorothy took this nice shot of Angie and I while we waited for the play to start.
It was a great production, based on a classic children's book.
Sunday -
Scrapbooking at Patty's house!
We decided last time we worked on our scrapbooks that we should do this once a month. Patty hosted this month. Our friend Debbie couldn't come, so it was just Patty and I. Julie and her daughter Catie stopped by to visit and see what we were working on.
I was working on Boy Scout stuff - trying to get it done the the Eagle Court of Honor that is in 3 weeks, and Patty was working on a trip to the Grand Canyon.

Patty had some friends over for lunch yesterday, and she made Chicken Wild Rice Soup.
Now, that in itself is not that interesting, but she made it 2 ways -
The pan on the left is the "healthy" version, and the pan on the right is the normal recipe that Patty usually makes. At lunch yesterday they did a taste test to compare the healthy version to the normal version.
Healthy - Low sodium chicken broth, olive oil, skim milk, no bacon
Normal - Chicken broth, butter, half and half, bacon
All other ingredients were the same.
I got to do the taste test myself tonight.
The healthy version tasted like nothing. It had the same texture as the other, there was chewy chicken, and rice, and carrots, and celery, but there was NO taste. Everyone agreed. There just seemed to be no point in eating it.
I thought there would be a difference, but not that big of a difference.
Go ahead, try it yourself.
I'll even get the recipe from Patty and put it on the blog in the next couple of days.
The real stuff is totally delicious! But decide for yourself...
We also had these really great oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from the Great Harvest Bread Co.
Yum, Yum! A great day of scrapbooking - I got 20 pages done! And some really tasty food. Thanks Patty!
Now its time for bed so I can go back to work tomorrow to get some rest...