Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Band News!

Charlie is a band geek. I think he'd be proud that I called him that, but he refuses to read the blog, so he'll never know. Since he is so into band that makes me a Band Mom and a member of the PLHS Band Boosters.

Last week they had the All District Band Concert at the PL High School. The 6 grade BOB (Best of Both) Concert Band performed, this band is made up of the best 6th grade band students from both middle schools, and the Hidden Oaks & Twin Oaks Middle Schools Honor Band performed, again, best 7 & 8th grade students from both schools, and the PLHS Wind Ensemble, which consists of the best 10-12 graders at the PLHS. I was going to say there aren't any 9th graders in the Wind Ensemble, but I realize now there is one. He plays the Bassoon.

6th Grade BOB Concert Band

They played Believe from the Polar Express and a medley called Superheroes R Us, which included Superman, James Bond, etc. They sounded really great for 6th graders.

7th & 8th Grade Honor Band

The Honor Band did Triumphant Fanfare, Afton Variations, Fantasy on Childhood Songs, and Light Cavalry Overture. This Honor Band is the first for our middle schools. Both Mr. Hanson and Mr. Melody (yes, that is his real name) put together the Honor Band program, and tomorrow they all leave on a trip to Chicago where they will have a whirlwind musical tour of the windy city. Everyone is very excited about this trip!

And the PLHS Wind Ensemble!

Played Midway March, Carmen Suite, and Exultate which is by Sam Hazo, who directed at Band Camp last summer at Bemidji State University. Charlie goes to band camp with is friend Jack, who happens to live in Bemidji, so it works out perfectly!

Here are a few of Charlie playing his silver trumpet...

Here is the whole left side of the ensemble...and the right side too!

Just when I sat down to do this Band Blog I checked my email and there is one there from Mr. Koehlmoos, the PLHS Band Director announcing the Band trip for next year...drum roll...and they are going to Spain! Here is a quote from the band web page
"Last night, the ISD 719 Board of Education approved a major magnitude band trip for a performance tour of the marching band to Madrid and Barcelona, Spain over our Spring break during the 2009-2010 school year."

Charlie just got back from the Solo Ensemble Contest - yes, another band thing, and he said he heard about it this morning. He would rather go to Italy, but Spain is his second choice. I'm hoping to go along as a chaperon...I'm not sure how they are chosen, but I know you need to work for the school district to be one, so I've got that covered.

I guess he could be a football player, and then I might get to go on a trip to ...Northfield, or maybe if they were really good the Metrodome!

Signing off,
proud parent of a band geek.

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