After all the siding was removed from the front of the house we could see the space in between the step and the house, and that reminded us of the fact that there is a mouse highway there into the basement.

It was then decided that the step had to go. Terry called the concrete people and they said they would come and take it out that same day, which was Monday (I think). In my mind I see some poor guy with a jackhammer, chipping away at that hideous step for hours. In fact, this is what really happened...
Yes, that is a jackhammer on the front of the bobcat.
And it didn't take long to break off the bottom step part, maybe 3 minutes.
There it is!
Load up the parts, 2 minutes.
Dump parts into trailer...
remove the rest of the step I have hated for 18 years all in one piece.
Total time, probably 10 minutes.
Here is what was under the step.
Lots of bees came out of somewhere, and buzzed around until RAID made an appearance, and a nice mouse nest was in there too!

Right before this happened the siding truck also arrived. So while this was going on the siding was being delivered - AT THE SAME TIME! Nothing for a week, and now pandemonium!
The front step area after clean up and re-building have taken place.
Next, 2 front windows!
Yesterday, Wednesday, was window day. It took Dan about an hour and 15 minutes to get this basement window removed. Here is the nice hole into the basement.
Yesterday, Wednesday, was window day. It took Dan about an hour and 15 minutes to get this basement window removed. Here is the nice hole into the basement.
There was a lot of rotten wood, and some mold. After finishing that they moved on upstairs.
It took Dan and Terry most of the day to do these 2 windows, with all the fixing that was involved. Here it is at the end of yesterday afternoon.
This morning, Thursday. Dan sets up his stuff in the driveway to do the trim around the garage door.
He also got rid of the rotten stuff on the back side of the house where the deck used to be, here is the fresh new stuff in place!
Then the real fun began!
Here is the framing for the new concrete step.
They built the frame this morning, and I had to pick the color of the concrete, and the top coat color. I can't really remember the exact names now, but it looks like chocolate.
Bruce is filling in the whole form.
Bruce is filling in the whole form.
Chris takes this mixer thing which vibrates and makes the air come out of the concrete, so it is nice and smooth.
Then it rained! And they built the step a little shelter.
These are the forms, and he put this chalky color on them, which is the color wash to go on top of the chocolate concrete.
Sprinkle that on the top of the chocolate.
First Chris uses this one to add the texture.
And then this one to make the marks that look like rocks.
Then a second one that fits into the first mold.
I can not wait to see what color chocolate cement really is! I'm on pins and needles!